Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
(Phuahtu: Ira Stanphill, 1950) 
I don’t know about tomorrow;
I just live from day to day.
I don’t borrow from its sunshine
For its skies may turn to grey.
I don’t worry o’er the future,
For I know what Jesus said.
And today I’ll walk beside Him,
For He knows what is ahead.
Many things about tomorrow
I don’t seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand.
Every step is getting brighter
As the golden stairs I climb;
Every burden’s getting lighter,
Every cloud is silver-lined.
There the sun is always shining,
There no tear will dim the eye;
At the ending of the rainbow
Where the mountains touch the Sky
I don’t know about tomorrow;
It may bring me poverty.
But the one who feeds the sparrow,
Is the one who stands by me.
And the path that is my portion
May be through the flame or flood;
But His presence goes before me
And I’m covered with His blood.

                                              Hlaphuahtu Tuanbia
Ira Forest Standfill (Feb 14, 1914-Dec 10, 1993) cu, Bellview, New Mexico ah a chuak. American ram Krihfa hla tampi a phuahtu le minthang pakhat asi.

Amah hi kum 10 a si lio tein music le hla lei ah a rak huam i a thiam ngaingai i, piano, organ, ukulele le accordian duh paoh a rak tum thiam. Kum 17 a si in hlaphuah aa thawk i, an biakinn sak dingmi, thanghnak hla le thlacamnak hla tampi a rak phuah.

Amah hi Chillicothe, Missouri i a ummi, Junior College ah sianginn a rak kai. Phungchim le thlaphuah a thiam ngai caah Hyles-Anderson College, Hammond, Indiana nih honorary Ph.D an pek.

USA le Canada khua tampi a tlawng. Phung a chim pah i hla zong asa pah. Ahla hi hlasakthiam minthang Elvis Pesley zong nih an rak sak. Vawleicung ram 40 tluk a tlawng i thawngtha chim pah in hla a sa pah. Kum 80 a tlin lai thla 2 tluk a duh ah, Overland Park, Kansas ah a thi. A thih tiang ah hla 500 tluk aphuah ti a si.

A hla phuahmi lakah "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow" timi te hi, ka uar tuk caah ka blog ah ka van chiahnak asi. Hi hla te hi, Mandalay College ka kai lio ah kan rak sak tawnmi le ka nunnak ah thazang a rak ka pe tukmi asi. Ka sianginn kainak i ka rak har tuk lio caan ah, pithlung te hmanh a cawmtu Pathian nih cun ka nunnak cu a ka ruah ko lai timi zumhnak he sianginn ka rak kai. Hi hla te nih a fekmi zumhnak le thaizing kongah ral tha tein a rak ka nunter zungzal.

Hi hla a phuahnak a ruang te zong hi ngaihchiate a si. Ira Standfill hi, nupi dawhte a ngei. Anupi he hla zong an rak sati tawn. Fapa te an rak ngei. Fapa an ngeih tlawmpal ah, an innchungkhar tangka harsat deuh ruangah, an nu he an rak i then. An nu cu tlangval aa chiah. Nigh club le aphunphun ah hla asa. Cuticun amah duhnak vawlei lei ah a kal ve. Nuam a ceng. Pastor le thawngtha chimtu tampi hna nunnak lam thluan hi, a rak nuam tuk lem lo. Ngaihchiatnak in a rak khat ve ko.

Nikhat cu, Ira Standfill cu lam cung i emergency motor awnmi thawng a theiht tikah zeidah asi hnga tiah lam lei ahcun a vang kal. Minung accident tongmi a hei hmuh hna. Cu accident an tonnak hmun ahcun a va tli. Cu  ahmuhmi thil nih a lauter ngaingai. Zeicatiah, a rak ril komi minung ruak cu, a lu a tlawngmi driver pa le a fapa dawtte i a nu ruak an rak si. A nu ruak cu, lamcung a luangmi thisen ah a rak i ciah ko cang.

Ira cu lungrawk taktak in, inn lei ah a kir. Cu a kir pah ah a thinlung ah aa tial ziahmahmah mi hla cu, "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow" ti a si. Hi hla te hi, tang 10 ka kai lio in, nihin ni tiang ah zumhnak in thazaang tampi a ka petu asi.


An nu accident atonnak kong cu, blog pakhat ah hitin an tial. 

Chuck Maglaughlin said...
In person I heard Ira give the story behind "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow." Funny how what I heard five feet away from me does not exactly jive with what other websites show. Ira shared how his early ministry with his young wife had been fruitful, but the travel and the meager financial payback was not exactly lending itself to the betterment of his marriage with his wife, his accompanist and singing partner. Then came the birth of his baby boy. Not long after, the strain was beginning to get too much for his wife. She seemed distant.

It all came to a head one day when she pulled up to Ira on the back of a motorcycle being driven by a "Hell's Angel." To Ira's horror, both began to laugh at and mock him for his undying faith in His Savior. They cried, "Where is your God now, when you need Him the most"? As they screeched the tires and burned rubber all the way down the street, Ira's heart almost gave way to their unbelief. He left to return home where he was living alone after his wife had left and divorced him. He was deeply crushed. Suddenly he heard loud sirens racing past, outside his door. He decided to see what all the ruckus was about, over the hill at the end of his road. There he was confronted with the most ghastly thing he had ever seen or imagined. There lying in a huge of pool of blood all twisted and broken with flesh and bone scattered all over the road was his little boy's mother and his once life long partner in ministry. Next to her was her HEADLESS driver! They had wiped out in their attempt to show off and mock God's truly anointed. As Ira turned to walk away and return home, the words to the song began to emerge for all eternity to enjoy...My Mom's all-time favorite, now in His dear presence.

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