My parents were not Christians in until was in the 5th grade. But I and all my siblings went church regularly since most of our friends were Christians. I first learned the faith and belief of Christianity at Sunday School in my village church. I learnt so many interesting stories from the Bible from Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Kind Saul, King David and King Solomon and many prophets etc.
The Christmas story of was the most interesting and fascinating story for me among all the stories of the Bible. I really liked the stories such as the Baby Jesus, the Star of Bethlehem, the Shepherds, the Magi, the killing of the boys under 3 years old around Bethlehem by King Herod, the littler manger,
and the Virgin Mary and Joseph and the Angel Gabriel and the plight of Egypt. There are many more interesting Christmas stories outside the Bible which were told in the church. I still vividly remember all those children stories until today.
Beautiful Thantlang City (
I still remember one particular drama which was performed when I was a four years old boy. The story was based on the Biblical account of the plight of Mary and Joseph to Egypt from Bethlehem. It was so good since I was a child. I never saw another drama that captures my heart like that drama until today. Perhaps it might be due to my childhood feeling. The drama was performed in the evening of Christmas Day. The whole villagers watched it in the ground. Many people cried and came home with tears. That was unforgettable memory for me.
One of the most joyous things was singing caroling songs at night. The weather is normally cold in Christmas time but all the youth in the village sang Christmas songs in front of the houses in the village with dancing, shouting and blowing a "pang-pang" (that is a small paper bomb). We used sang Christmas carol like "Joy to the World the Lord is come" until 12 am mid night. It was unforgettable event. I still miss that time and Christmas carol. There were much more to say about Christmas time in our Chin State in Myanmar.
The landscape of the Chin State is very beautiful in the winter because the Cherry blossoms in Christmas time. There are many Cherry trees in the wilderness in the Chin State. People can see its flowers from many miles away. Many kinds of bird suck the juicy flower during this time. They sing their beautiful songs and glorify God's glory. The birds really enjoy sucking the Cherry flower. Cherry trees make the season nicer and it glorifies the Christmas season. Perhaps they also praise the coming of the Baby Jesus. We used to cut the branches of Cheery do decorate the church building for Christmas Day and New Year and it make the church so beautiful and natural. I really enjoy decorating the church building while I was in my village, Thau.

Cherry flower (Ref.

Cherry Flower in Chin State (Photo: Van Biak Thawng)
I terribly miss Christmas celebration in my Chin State in Burma after coming to the USA. America is the source of our Chin Christianity since most of the missionaries to Burma were from USA. I saw Christmas celebration in USA many times on movie and TV series. I imagined that "How wonderful the Christmas celebration in USA would be? And I was so eager to see the Christmas Day celebration when I got to USA in 1997.
The cities in USA are beautiful with many colors of lights on the houses and on the trees. We are very busy and happy for the holiday season for shopping. Our mind is very fresh with beautiful Christmas songs. But I found out that the actual Christmas Day was very personal without celebration and I was in shock. My first day of Christmas in USA was the most lonely day in my entire life because it was so dried and lonely since there was no celebration at all.
We had only a small candle light service on Christmas Eve. I enjoyed it but it was so quiet, short and simple. After the end of the service people went home themselves not staying long in the church. everybody was in a hurry to go home. People could not afford to spend time to chat and share their feeling and enjoyments. In a few minutes after the service the church was empty. I thought myself that how could Christian faith survive without celebration of its unique tradition in the community? Could we spend more time each other in the church to share the good news that we had tonight?
I thought back about Christmas celebration in my village in Burma again. I can't compare the Christmas celebration there with any other Christmas celebration around the world. Perhaps the Christmas celebration in the Chin State might be the most unique, joyous and best Christmas celebration in the entire world. It is from my perspective.
I compare the two Christian traditions and practices between the Chin State and USA regarding Christmas celebration. I found out that we, the Chin Christians, have no money to spend but have plenty of time to enjoy. Christians in United States have money but have no time to enjoy their life. This is why Christian faiths and practices are fading away slowly in the USA. Christians in USA need to go back and redo the old traditions again such as sharing stories, foods, singing Christmas carol, celebrating the Christmas, New Year and Easter Sunday etc in group celebration.
In the Chin Christian tradition, it is a very bad things not to celebrate Christmas. For the Chin Christians, many people would go to their birth place like Joseph and Mary did in Christmas time. Many would prepare for Christmas day in many days in advance. The Christmas Eve is the most joyous day for them because they cooked "chang" and so many foods for the dinner of Christmas Eve. Half of the entire night is cooking for the next breakfast of Christmas Day. "Chang" is a traditional cooked bread which is made by "fa-thau" (fatty rice). It is one of the most delicious foods for the Chins.
We have a full church service on Christmas Eve like candle light service in USA. After that many people would stay until midnight and participate in Midnight service again. There are normally foods where Christmas celebration is held. Many would participate in "lengkhawmh" (singing Christian songs and dancing) through out the night until the next day.
Many families bring food and share together in the breakfast of Christmas Day like Thanksgiving Day in USA. It is the most valuable breakfast for them. And they would go to church for worship from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM. After that they would go to the house where Christmas celebration is hosted and participate in "lengkhawmh" and Christmas Dinner which is service normally around 3:00 PM.
Normally a family used to host the Christmas meals for the entire village. They may donate pigs, sia (a kind of bison), buffalo, rice and vegetables and any thing that is necessary for cooking. Sometimes they may host Christmas celebration for 2-3 days with foods. In that case many believers would stay the whole night without sleeping 1-3 nights which is called "Christmas zandei" (zandei means staying the whole night without sleeping at the houst where Christmas celebration is hosted). Hosting a Christmas Day could cost a family from $1300-$2,000 depending of the size of the church members. It is more than their yearly income of the entire family but they still would like to host that special day to commemorate Jesus Birthday and praise God.

Sia (Ref.
In the bad year of economy, all the church members would collect money for Christmas celebration when no one can host for the entire village. Normally there is someone who is willing to host Christmas celebration to honor and praise Jesus and God. Even though the Chin Christian are poor they still would like to host Christmas celebration in their house at least in their entire life. Some families host 3-4 times in their entire life. They feed all the villagers 1-2 days.
After Christmas Day celebration, there is a New Year Day celebration with foods like Christmas Day. In that case, the villagers would have continued that religious celebration from Christmas Day to the New Year Day. New Year Day celebration could be 1-2 days like Christmas celebration with plenty of foods. Most of the time a family normally host the New Year Day celebration with foods like Christmas Day.
Sometimes the so-called "Cawi-mawi" another religious festival follows New Year Day celebration in that weekend. It could be 1-2 days with foods, singing and dancing. Cawi-mawi means praising and honoring God for the blessing that the family received in the previous year. It is normally praising God with thanksgiving. Cawimawi came from Indian side Chin Christians who are called Mizos today.
Hakha, Capital of Chin State
So, Christmas season in the Chin State is one of the most joyful event for the community. Hakha is one of the most joyful cities during Christmas season because of it beautiful landscape and the good weather. Hakha is not only beautiful but also peaceful. If someone would like to visit Hakha it is the best time to visit in Christmas time that would be a perfect time and would be a life time memory for him/her.
I came to USA in 1997 and participated in many candle light services. They were great but Christmas Day is so boring because there is no celebration at all in many churches. So, I terribly miss Christmas Day celebration in my country until today.
Many Chin people came to the USA in the late 2000's. There are hundred of Chin Christian churches in USA today. We, American Chin Christians, still carry on our Chin Christian tradition to America and celebrate Christmas Day as in the Chin State, Myanmar. Sometimes we drove hundred of miles in snows to join relatives and friends to celebrate this special day. Many churches kill pigs and cows for meals for the community. Some Chin families host Christmas Day celebration for the entire church members in the USA too.
For example, one of my church members, Tum Lian Cung and his family, will donate a big pig and host Christmas Day this year in his house. Another church member, Tommy Khamhthawng, donate $1500 to buy a big cow too. A cow would cost at least $1200-1500 and a big pig $350. Some people may think it is a stupid idea for hosting the Christmas Day celebration with that amount of money but it is a great honor for the Chin Christians. Most of the Chin Christians would like to host at least one Christmas celebration in their life time. Anyone who can host a Christmas celebration will be very happy and satisfied in their life any way.
We would cook a lot of foods and share it on Christmas Day among the church members with great joy and happiness. Our church members are about 560 including children. We will be very happy this year. I learnt that Sang Kio family would donate 2 big pigs this year for the New Year celebration and we would also have a very good time again. May the Lord bless all those families who willingly donate all these things for the Lord. The meats and foods will be eaten by the church members but the Lord will be eating with us in His Spirit. In the Old Testament time the leaders of Israelite "saw God, and they ate and drank" (Exodus 24:11).
Normally in Chin Christian church, the church pastor preach on Christmas Day, the Youth choir group will sing beautiful Christmas song, there would be duet, quarter, 2 solos, prayer and eating together after the service. Many youth will participate in singing Christmas song during the dinner time.
We, the Chin Christians, celebrate Christmas Day with the cost of considerable amount of money in USA because it is our Chin Christian tradition for more than one hundred years and it became a custom. But our Christmas celebration in the USA is pretty simple because of the weather and the short day of the winter and having only one holiday.
If you would like to experience the real Christmas celebration of the Chin Christians, please visit the Chin people in the Chin State during Christmas season especially during Christmas Day celebration,
Please visit especially the Chin village because Christmas celebration in village are better than town because it is more spiritual and more joyful. If you visit the Chin village during Christmas celebration it will be an unforgettable memory and will be a life time opportunity for you. You will have a chance to eat all kind of delicious foods including a popular "sia-sa" (bison meat) and "sia cek" which is the most valuable meat in the entire Chin State.
Please visit Chin Christian Christmas celebration if you have an opportunity. It will be a life time memory for you!!!!
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