Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The DESTINY of ISIS Terrorist Organization

The world's known history or early civilization started around 8,000-10,000 years ago in Mesopotamia, India, China, Maya and some parts of the Middle East as hunters/gatherers. Empires and kingdoms were established by various Emperors and kings. The Egyptian Empire which was the first known empire in human history was established by Pharoahs in the Nile River Valley around 3100 BC. And then other powerful empires such as Assyria, Media, Babyblonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and British Empire arose in the world's history and many countless wars were fought among different countries and people.

There were many cruel leaders during the time of Roman Empire like Emperor Nero who persecuted and murdered many Jews and Christians. Many powerful and cruel leaders like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Saddam Hussein arose in the 20th century. They ruled their citizens with tyranny and terror.

At the same 20th century, there were more than 15 cruel terrorist groups like Taliban, Caucasion Front (Chechnya), FARC (Columbia), Black Eagle (Columbia), Marfia Gang, Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram and many Maxican Drug Cartels etc., in the world. They are the worst of the worst international terrorist groups and most of them are still operating in different countries.

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ISIS Ukmi Area
Aboe all, the ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab  and Taliban are the most evil and horrible terrorists in the world who killed innocent civillians in the name of Allah and their religion. They misinterpret and misuse Koran in the wrong way.  Their theology and religious ideology are wrong. They practice their faith incorrectly. Therefore, they are truly false believers and cult who misuse their religion and god incorrectly. Their behavior in unacceptable in international norm by Christians and Muslims and other religious believers.

In fact, the term "Islam" is derived from Arabic "salema" which means "Peace or purity or submission" but all these groups hate "Peace." So, many good Muslims see them as "false Muslims." One of my Muslim friends used to say "ISIS, Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab are not the real Muslims." That is true. These terrorist organizations are doing the things that Koran and Islam never taught.

ISIS, Daesh or ISIL are the worst of the worst terrorist organization under the sun thourgh out human history. They are the most conservative, evil, cruel, barbaric, savage, filthy, rude and ignorant militants on earth under the sun from the time of creation of the universe until the present day. They are the worst regime and tyranny of all times. They threaten and rule their citizens by arms and explosive bombs. They use psychological warefare of cruel punishment to rule their own fellow citizens. They are worst than Roman soldiers and Hittler's soldiers.

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Victims of ISIS crucifixiion (2014, Syria)
Moreover, the ISIS are the most violent terrorists who enslave many Yazidis women as their concubines. They also murdered many Christians. They think themselves very religious and spiritual but are truly bigotry. They are, in fact, the most oppressive and abusive terrorist orgatnization in the world who persecuted any persons who love democracy, freedom and human rights. The ISIS abuse their own people in the name of their religion and their God. God never abuse his people but Daesh do not realize about the mercy of God. ISIS promote Sharia Laws which limit the right of women and human right in many ways.

ISIS terrorists not only abuse women and girls sexually but sale them as sex slaves in the market in Al-Raqqa in Syria. Al-Raqqa is one of the most beautiful cities in the Middle East before the ISIS took control of the city in 2014, but the ISIS made it as the "Evil Capital" and "the rape capital of the world" where they raped many unknown Yazidis girls and women. They made Al-Raqqa as the "capital of Hell" for many people.

Many journalist and historians believe that over 5,000 Yazidis, mostly women and children, were murdered by the Daesh (ISIS) in 2014. They terrorized Yazidis community-destroying homes, villages, cities, gardens- in Northern Iraq. From 2014 to the present day, ISIS made Al-Raqqa as the "capital of murder and rape." Therefore, all the people in Al-Raqqa need to fight agaist ISIS in any means like the brave woman who killed two ISIS militants afew weeks ago.

ISIS also made Mosul as their killing field and Murder City. Mosul was one of the most popular cities before the time of ISIS but it became one of the most dangerous cities on earth because of the Daesh. "They transformed the city into the city of the Dark Age" said by one journalist. But the liberation of the city of Mosul is closer and closer day by day. All Daesh will be cleaned and wiped out from the city soon becasue Peshmerger and Iraqi forces and near the city now. God has a plan to liberate the city from the terrors' hand.

The religious philosophy of ISIS is outdated badly. Their political philosophy of "establishing a new caliphate" is unreasonable and is just "a day dream." No one or no people can establish any society or government without "good moral and ethics." Daesh has tried to establish the modern Caliphate but their Caliphate became the "Evil Empire" for their own people. Their cities are like "fox holes" filled with murders, killing, terrors, lies, pains and cries. All citizens live under great FEAR in Daesh territoris because they are like Foxes which have no kindness to anybody.

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Gruesome Beheading by an ISIS
ISIS made public executions such as beheading, burning alive, crucifying, shooting, stoning, piercing by nife etc., which are the most cruel forms of public punishments. Some victims were hung for days in the city streets. Some of their heads were hung on the wall for weeks. Some were killed by nitric acid. ISIS committed unspeakable crimes against the innocent civillians. "The killings by the ISIS were horrible and gruesome" said a person in Raqqa. All people live in constant fears and terrors. Life in Mosul is also hell for its citizens.

The Caliphate of the ISIS is horrible and terrible place. It is filled with "No."  It is a "Country of NO." Many people who went to their territoris regret for their mistake. Their is no enough food, no school, no governing body, no good hospital, no garthering, no freedom, no bank, no park to enjoy, no entertainment, no sport, no electricity, no running water, no bus, no train, no factory to work, no good street, no job, no dating, no freedom of wedding, no big store, no movie and no partying. They have good airport with no airlines or no air plane.

There is no freedom of choice, no peace, no love, no kindness, no sympathy, no hope, no furure, no vision, no plan and no program for their citizens. Technically there is "NO LIFE" in the Caliphate of the ISIS. Therefore thei country is like a "CALIPHATE of NO." Their dreams are gone in the fast pace. Their policy and ideology don't work in the modern world. Their dream of creating the modern Caliphate is like "speaking in the air." Why?

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Is there freedom of choice in Raqqa for women?
One of the reasons is that ISIS are the most mentally ill people on earth today. Anybody who joins ISIS are psychologically sick and mentally ill in some respect. They are not fit for any offices, institutions and governmental administration positions. They are the most superstitious and narrow-minded people on earth. How can mentally ill people create the Caliphate? It is an impossible dream.

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ISIS Excuted Iraqi soldiers in Tikrit (2014)
Their behavior of the killing sickened all kinds of religious believers including Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Budhist and Jews. ISIS, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda don't like anybody who are not a part of their group. Anybody don't like them either. Even their children and wives hate ISIS members and Boko Haram. So, the closest enemies for Daesh are their own wives and children because they know ISIS the best and who experienced the barbaric actions of the Daesh.

One brave woman even shot and killed two ISIS militants in Al-Raqqa last week. It showed nobody like ISIS in their own city and socity. This could happen more and more in the "Evil Empire of ISIS" because no one is happy and has life in their "rape capital." "Living in Al-Raqqa is like living in Hell" said one of the person who joined ISIS in 2015. Who could like these cruel militants? The answer is "No One" on earth except Satan who is the great father of the ISIS.

One day ISIS will be destroyed by the armies Coalition Air Forces, Russian Air Forces, other moderate rebels and the army of Syria and Iraq. Their days are numbered. ISIS has no place to hide and to go. They have no escapte route from their "evil empire." No one will welcome them. The only person who might welcome them is Satan himself.

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi
The days of ISIS are numbered. The fate of their Caliph "Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi" is numbered. Most of his powerful deputies and leaders such as Omar Al Shishani (minister of war) and Abu Hayjaa Al-Tunsi (senior Commander) were gone in the face of the earth due Coalition Air Strikes. ISIS members excuted its own members for suspicion of informants and spies. Some are ISIS officials. Sometimes ISIS leaders suspect each other which led to executions its own members. Yes, terrorists never believe their own members!

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ISIS mass execution June 2014 (Salahudin Provicne, Iraq)
For these many reasons, all members of ISIS will be wiped out and punished for their great SINS, committed in Syria and Iraq. Iraqi government already executed 36 ISIS members for their genocide in of an estimated 1,700 soldiers from Speciher military base, north of Tikrit, when it was overran by ISIS in the summer of 2014. Human right group protested it this execution but Iraqi government did not listen to them. Therefore, all ISIS members will be wiped out and punished like Iraqi governnent did one day at a time by other government who love democracy, human right and freedom.

Today, the members of ISIS have no place to hide or live on earth or in ocean or in the air or the skies. All will be hunt down by other forces. The good citizens in the ISIS territories hate all ISIS members. The people in their cities and country hate them. Even the wives and children of ISIS hate their own fathers who are ISIS members. Their own families do not want to be ISIS members!

Therefore, the ISIS have no place on earth to go. God might forgive their spirits but not by government forces in Iraq and Syria. They might have only one place to go which is "The Buring Fire of Hell" which is prepared by the Creator for the sinners like ISIS and SATAN. That is their only DESTINY.

Therefore, all the ISIS members need to repent from their evil behavior and leave their Evil Organization when they are alive so that their spirit can have salvation today. God might forgive their spirits but not by government forces in Iraq and Syria. They need to lay their weapons and uniforms and surrender to governments forces in Iraq and Syria or choose to die in the hands of governments forces there or U.S and coalition forces there.

They need to pray and ask God for forgiveness of their crimes and salvation for their souls. Unless "The Destiny of ISIS members will be Hell only." No one welcome them in this world but the king of Hell might welcome their soul from fire of hell!!


Ref. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/daesh-isis-cameron-syria-air-strikes-a6757241.html)

1. ISIS= Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
2. Daesh=It is an Arabic acronym derived from the phrase “al Dawlah al-Islameyah fi Iraq wal-Sham" or literally, “Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham”. In the same manner we refer to Isis or Isil, Daesh is the Arabic equivalent.

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