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Ethnic Territories of Iraq (Rf. smh) |
Gold and brick can't be mixed. Even if they mix them, it will not last long. Likewise, Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims and Kurdish minorities can't be mixed politically in Iraq from now to the end of the world. The history of the country has shown it and it will show it in the future too.
Dividing Iraq into three different countries such as Sunni Region, Shiite Region and Kurdish Region is a logical and an appropriate idea. It is logic and philosophical but also mathematical. Those three regions will not stay forever even if the Iraq central government changes their current constitution.
Iraq is mostly influenced by violence since the time of Babylonian Empire. The people around Iraq rarely stop fighting in the world's history. The region is ungovernable throughout the world's history. Empires were emerged and went down in the world's history so many times in that region. Many brutal Emperors and leaders emerged in this regions. There has never been peace in this region since the time of the Media and Babylonian empires and extreme violence dominated the whole region for years and years.
We know that no government can peacefully govern the country long since it was divided during the time of the fall of Ottoman Empire over one hundred years ago in the modern world's history. Fighting, revolts and military coup influenced the whole region. The country is so divided naturally by their culture, religions and warlike behaviors. The people in the country know how to start fighting but don't know how to start peace and how to stop fighting. History normally repeats itself and the same thing will happen in Iraq for many years to come. Some people think that Babylonian was cursed by God in the bible where Iraq is formed today.
Adam was created in that region and he was fallen to sin. One of the son of Adam, Cain killed his younger brother Abel in this region. The first "murder" occurred in this region in human history. It was the first violence in the history of human kind in this region since the beginning of human history in the bible. Theologically there is no hope in this land to establish a genuine peace because violence and murder already dominated the earliest history of this region.
The most popular code in human history-the Code of Hammurabi-was issued during the Babylonian King, Hammurabi (1792-1750 B.C) since violence spread in his time. The code governed the entire people living in his empire for years. Many countries even adopt that code. The code was "Ear for ear; Eye for eye." Revenge is ordained in this region for many thousand years ago and revenge between Sunni and Shiite; revenge between different ethnic groups dominates the entire regions for thousand of years. The Code of Hammurabi was very good in his reign but it showed "revenge" is ongoing legal things in that region.
Therefore, Iraq will never become a unified country because God has put a curse in this region and violence has been ongoing human crisis and problem in the Mesopotamia for thousand of years. Violence has been an ongoing problem and has been like the culture of Mesopotamia for thousand of years and I believe God had a special purpose for this region. The worlds has known Mesopotamia region as the most violent region in the human history.
Violence has been ongoing daily problem and issues in this Mesopotamia region especially in Iraq. Car bombing, suicide, motor attacks, gun attacks and killings and murders influences the news each day. There is no good news in Iraq today. No city is safe from bombings and some shorts of arm violence. Even thee capital city, Baghdad is not safe including the Green Zone, which means no one is safe in Iraq. If they don't divide the country, fighting, civil wars, bombing and arm violence will likely continue for many more years to come.
For these many regions, it is better to divide Iraq in three parts such as Sunni Region, Kurdistan Region and Shiite Region and there will be more peace and the people will be better off. If not, the people in the three regions will fight for many years to come. There will never be a genuine peace because they didn't know how to co-exist together in their land. Therefore, dividing Iraq is the last and best answer for the entire country. It is the best political solution for the common good for the people of Iraq. The sooner they divide the country the better political solution the people will get.
Iraq needs to understand and realized the mind of their people. They need to understand the reality in the real world in Iraq than talking like peace, unity and stability. Those are nonsense without understanding their core issues and problems. It is clear now different ethnic groups and religions like Sunni and Shiite can't coexist in that country after many years of bitter fighting, tortures, killings, imprisonments, and oppression each other. They will never forget their real history in the past. Forgiveness is the key and a good idea but their behaviors and actions show that they will never forgive each other.
Therefore, it is good for Iraq to let go Kurdistan Region as a separate country. The Kurds have a clear boundary, different language and culture, different history and their own government. Kurdistan region has much more advances than the entire Iraq in education, health care system, economy system and much better security system. Their country is much more peaceful than entire Iraq. They know how to make peace and how to govern the country. They know how to secure their country. Iraq is almost ungovernable and uncontrollable. It is a chaos country and will most likely be the ungovernable country for years from now.
If the country is divided into three separate countries-such as Sunni Region, Kurdistan Region and Shiite Region- it will solve all the entire problems. Fears will be gone. Fighting and bombing will be gone. Arguments, debate, demonstration, arm violence, killing and murders will be gone. The country will be peaceful and prosper. For these many reasons, partition of Iraq is the best and last solution for the country. Unless the political crisis will go on and one for another century.
The people of Iraq need to think critically and understand and accept what is the real and underlying problem in their country and resolve that problem from its core issue from now for the common good for the whole country. No countries like Iran, Syria and Turkey should involve in the Iraq issue since those three countries are ruled by the brutal regimes and are not democratic countries and are always in the wrong side of the world politics. No countries can't trust those three countries. Iraq should not depend on the ideology of Iran, Turkey and Syria, those countries are ruled by the most brutal regimes right now. If Iraq follows their ideology, Iraq will become a brutal regime in the future and the leader like Saddam Hussein can be reborn. Iraq needs to understand their past history.
So, Iraq leaders need to sit on the table with the leaders of Kurdistan Region and Sunni Muslims and laid down arms and negotiate their differences peacefully. This is a time to put arms revenge and threats away and sit on the table and make political dialogue which will reduce tensions in the country and lead a peaceful and meaningful political answer for the country.
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