Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Best Photos

Photographing is one of my hobbies. I briefly attanded a photographing training while I was in Mandalay University in 1986-87. These are some of the best photos I shot in USA. Most of the photos were shot in Ohio.

Soccer Field, Dublin, Ohio

Two teams played for championship. No team won. They played 30 minutes extra time. No team won. So, they decided to make a decision by playing penalty kick.

                                  This is a championship game

        North America Thau Fellowship Soccer Competion, Columbus, Ohio

Goal keeper missed the ball. I shot the photo just before he reached the ground. The ball ran so fast and he did not catch it. The ball already passed and reached to the net when he tried to catch it. This is my favorite photo.

Beautiful Empty Church

This is a very beutiful and charming Catholic church the heart of downtown Dayton, Ohio. I talked with someone in downtown and he told me that "It is empty. There is no church member here." It is so said since the church is a very beutiful church.

                    An old Catholic Church in the middle of Dayton

Columbus Downtown

Columbus is one of the most popular cities in the USA. It was one of the most intelligent cities in the world in 2014. The city is pretty. I shot this photo from the Nationwide Children's Hospital.

                                          Downtown Columbus

Ohio Carverns, Ohio

It is the most beautiful and colorful cave in the world. I shot this photo during our visit to the cave in 2013. I and about 40 youth from Emmanucel Chin Baptist Church visit this site and we had a great time.

                                   Ohio Caverns

Washington D.C

I visited Washington D.C with my church women fellowship team in 2014. We visited to the Whitehouse area. I took all these photos. I respect and love the Whitehouse so much and this is my 6th visit there. I always visited the White House whenever I visited to Washington D.C but I never had a chance to go in there. I will go in there some day. This is my hope.

               I shot this one from the Northside

              I shot this one from the southside

               The Executive Offices where President has an office

                    Pre. Lincoln Munument


              Independence Monument (2014)

Columbus, Ohio
I was visiting to Franklin County House and I shot this photo from the 23rd floor. This is I-70/71 near the juction of Rd. 315 in downtown Columbus, Ohio. The scenery was amazing.

                I-70/71 Columbus (From Court House)

       The snow was very thick in front of my house (Jan 2015). I love snow. I like the cold weather. When the snow falls, my mind is in peace.

The Hottest Spicy in the World

I ate many kinds of spicies my entire life. This spicy is called "Cawpi-thak" meaning one spicy is enought for a big pot where the whole cow meat can be cooked."

             I ate this "Cawpithak pepper"

This is the most deadly spicy I ever ate. I wend ti Imphal, Manipur, India in 1986. I was invited for luch by my friend's relative. I accidentally ate this kind of spicy and I almost died. My stomack was burning for about 10 hours. I drank around 8 cups of cold water to make my stomach cool. My whole body was burning. It was really uncomfaortable.

Don't try this spicy because you may end up in the hospital. If you want to try it, that is OK but make sure to buy life insurance before you ate it. It is deadly.

Natural Flower at the land of Emmanuel Chin Baptist Church, Columbus, Ohio

We bought this land in June 2012. It over 15 acres. We have a plan to build the church over there. I shot this photo in the summer of 2014. This is pretty. This place is Bethel for the Emmanuel Chin Baptist Church.

Flower at University Baptist Church, Columbus, Ohio

We used this church space from June, 2009 to December 2014. The church members are so kind to us. We love this place very much but we were over crowded and moved to Liberty Hill Baptist Church in January 2015. I shot this photo in the summer of 2014. The person there is a volunteer at our church. 

A Blessed Car
I was looking for a reliable car for 3 months before the birth of my oldest child, Hanna Lian. I could not find the car. After searching a car after three month I bought this green Rav 4 on May 10, 2002. I drove this car until 2014. Odometer was about 227,000 miles when I sold it to Autos savage company. This car blessed us a lot. All my 7 children used this car to go home when they were born in the hospital. This toyota car is EXCEPTIONAL. My wife accidentally hit it twice. My friend hit another car once and the air conditioning was broken. I got accidence on the westbound of I-70 in 2009 and I almost lost my life. The car was severly damaged and it never functioned like before. This car blessed my family a lot and I called it A Blessed Car!!

Indian Mound 

This is an Indian Mound near downtown Columbus, Ohio. I stopped by this site one day and a white gentle man came to this site too. We talked about life for a moment. He told me that "He was praying for his 8 years old niece for cure for her severe cancer and looking for help and peace and I came here to pray for her cure. He said that the ancestor spirt of this Indian can also give healing to his niece. He was a Catholic" he said. I never met him again. I don't know the cancer of his niece was healed. I often think about him!

Ameican Airline
American Airlines is the largest airline in the world and Dallas Forth Worth International airport is its headquarter. I took this photo while I was in Dallas Airport. 

Around Columbus
One day in the Falls  in 2014, I was driving around downtown Columbus. I saw this beautiful tree and I shot this photo. 

This are the bird feeding place near Alum Creek Dam near Columbus. The birds are so dear to us and we fed them our McDonald foods. They enjoy eating our foods. I learnt that human being and bird can be very good friends. 

One day in the summer of 2014, one of my church members hit this house. I went there to interprete for him and I shot this photo. The car entered inside the house but luckly no one was hurt. Two police officers came to the scene and all the problems were solved. The home owner got the new wall in a week. The car got a new bumpter and others. It is not good but good for them too. It was not fun but we laugh!! Laughing is a good medicine. Try to laugh even if you hit the house!

This is not a movie it is real

My son Elisha Velngeih Lian loves his sister Isabella Lian so much and he gave her a blue barry in the summer of 2013. A small gift can make a big impact to others. Don't never forget to feed your siblings!!

My little daughter Isabella was 2 years old when she performed modeling. What will happen to her when she grows up? 

It was the day when the windchild hit (-13) degrees but it was sunny. My children love to play in the snow and they did played for awhile. Their entire hands and feet almost died and we ran to the house. My daughter cried bcause he hands were so cold. It was like climbing Mt. Everest for them. It was unfogettable day for us!!

One day I came into the living room in my house. I saw my youngest child who was sleeping soundly on a computer chair. Luckily he slept on that little chair for more than 2 hours withous falling to the wood floor. It was amazing. I watched him until he woke up from his nap. 

This little girl, Isabella Angel Lian is watching her little brother Gabriel Veltha Lian while she is modeling for me. Her littler brother is sleeping peacefully. I don't know what is he dreaming right now? 

I flew from Dallas Forth Worth International Airport to Columbus International Airport on June 29, 2015 by American Airlines. The plane was flying around 30,000 ft above sea level. It was very closed to a very dark cloud. I was sitting near the window and shot this photo with my cell phone. I looked down the ground and it was like a small torneto was forming beneath the plane.  

I went to our church land in the evening one day with my youngest boy Gabriel Lian and Mr. Mang Bik to water the trees that we planted in in August, 2015. We planted about 75 trees. 

I saw the cloud like Gorilla shape as follows. I called it "Gorrila's Cloud."  It was so beautiful. I stopped by near Rt.40 and shot this Gorilla's Cloud. 

A few minutes later the shape of the cloud had changed. I went to a different location and shot the following photo. 

20 minutes later the shape of the cloud changed again in the same spot in the sky. It was so beautiful. I have never seen the sky like this before. It was amazing sky. It looks like Heaven. I saw God's wonderful creation in this beautiful sky. It was a perfect evening for me. 

Sunset in Columbus

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Covid-19 zawtnak U.S a phanh ka tein CDC doctors le scientists le NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) director Dr....